James Molinaro retired from the Hunterdon County Prosecutor’s Office in September 2016 where he served as a detective with the Major Crimes – Crime Scene Unit. Prior to working with the Hunterdon County Prosecutor’s Office, he retired in December 2008 as a Lieutenant from the New Jersey State Police following a twenty-six-year career. Mr. Molinaro has over twenty-nine years of crime scene investigative experience and has conducted over 3,000 scene investigations to include hundreds of homicides, death scenes and police involved shooting investigations. He has testified numerous times as an expert witness in crime scene reconstruction and investigation, shooting analysis, scene processing and friction ridge processing/identification in United States Federal, New Jersey and New York State Superior Courts.
Mr. Molinaro holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Biology from Seton Hall University and is a member of the Association for Crime Scene Reconstruction, International and New Jersey Division of the International Association for Identification, is an associate member of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences and is a certified New Jersey Police Training Commission instructor.
Mr. Molinaro provides consultation, advisory and instructional services to federal, state, county and local police departments throughout the United States on a wide range of crime scene related disciplines and serves as an instructor on the topic of shooting analysis and reconstruction for Forensic Training Source, LLC, the University of Tennessee, National Forensics Academy and the CSI Academy of Florida.